BlackFoot Bill Pirate Ship Hero Left
BlackFoot Solutions Arch Deco Logofoundry formation
STOP Throwing Away Your Ideas
In < 2 Months You Can Build An Established Business That’s Profitable, BEFORE You Spend A Single $1 On Ads.
dagger - down arrow
Upon Completing Your Short Voyage, You’ll Have:
verified - seal
Verified Accounts On All Platforms
organic growth - mushrooms
Ongoing Organic Growth
evolution - base following
A Base Following / Customer List
pyramids - free testing
The Ability to Continually Test New Ads and Creative For FREE
fortune teller - future forcasting
Future Forecasting, So You Only Spend $$ On Ads That You Have > 90% Confidence Score Of Their Performance
brain - systematic brainstorming
Systematic Brainstorming and Conceptualizing of New Ideas, Tests and Strategies
mayan calendar - posting cadence
A Posting Cadence That Requires < 1 Hour a Week of Your Time WITH Maximum Benefits and Learning From the Algorithm
ruines - verified business
A Verified Business on Google and All Social Platforms
ancient theater - performing audiences
Multiple Audiences That Are Performing and Are Full of People Who WANT To Buy Your Product
quill and parchment - email lists
Multiple Email Lists That Are Pure Gold For Your Business Growth
ancient book pages - sales pages
Landing / Sales Pages That Have Been Tested and Proven
ancient cart - cart pages
Cart / Checkout Pages That Are Optimized For Maximum Conversion
otos- crown
OTOs (Post-Checkout Offers) That Are Ideal to Maximize Your Profits From Each and Every Purchase
skeleton key - locked in pricing
Locked In Pricing, That’s Been Tested and Optimized for Conversion and Profitability
skeleton time - clear scaling strategy
A Clear Scaling Strategy In Place to Continue Growing (Both Organically and Through Ads)
tablet - unlocked price testing
Unlocked Profitable Price Testing for Products, Pages and More
ancient bottle - where to start
Know Exactly What Ads to Start With to Ensure Maximum ROAS (Return On Ad Spend)
rock skull - roi positive
Be ROI Positive, Making Profits On Day 1 Of Ad Spend
treasure chest - so much more
Plus So, SO Much More…
Turning Your Ideas Into A Profitable Business Without Wasting Even $1 Until You’re
I’ll Show You Exactly How.
All You Have To Do Is...

Charter Your Course:

Course Option #1
Treasure Map
Lighthouse - Treasure Map PI
The Step-By-Step Guide of The Exact Process to Achieve Success
(Which is actually the exact same process I followed to show you this offer today for FREE)
treasure map bullet point
Ideal for those who already have a base understanding of marketing and just need an overview of the steps to take
treasure map bullet point
OR if you want to get your feet in the water to see what this is all about before committing your hard earned coin to invest in your success
Course Option #2
Captain's log
Ship in Bay - Captains Log PI
The Course Most Traveled
The Full In-Depth video training course Walking Your Through The Entire Process as you go.
(Plus Get the Treasure Map For Free)
captains log bullet point
explains in detail exactly how to apply this process to your own business and ideas
captains log bullet point
Along with secret pro tips and tricks not mentioned in the treasure map
captains log bullet point
AND recordings of my Personal consulting calls where I helped other individuals (just like yourself) Best apply this process from start to finish, who are now reaping the benefits of success as a result of it.
Course Option #3
Captain Your Crew
Treasure Chest - Captain Your Crew PI
the rare opportunity to work 1:1 with the creator of this process to help you apply it directly to your business.
(Plus Get the Treasure Map And Captain's Log For Free)
captain your crew bullet point
Get personalized advice on how to start, establish and scale your business as efficiently as possible
captain your crew bullet point
along with the ability to receive personal help and advice on any other questions or areas of your business that you desire to have addressed.
--- Notes to Whom It May Concern ---
captain your crew bullet point
This price is only for the next 5 clients - to spread the word and refine this system - as part of a marketing test I am currently running - and will afterwords return to my normal rate of $5k per session (Usually 1 hr. maximum)
captain your crew bullet point
I'm Happy to offer ½ price Discounts (Or possibly even deeper discounts) if you are an eco-oriented company or a non-profit organization
captain your crew bullet point
Contact for details, Especially Regarding discounts
Who the hell is Running This Ship?
Meet Your Captain
blackfoot bill profile picture
BlackFoot Bill
There are 1,000’s of gurus and “experts” out there  - I’m not looking to replace them - in fact I’ve done a lot of their marketing…

I’ve simply condensed everything that is taught and proven to work for anyone, at any time, for any product - from start to finish - so everyone can have all the TOOLS they need to start their business. and Do it profitably.

In  hope to get more ideas to reality rather than dying in the stage of creation, or "lost at sea." In short, i want to Save our seamen.
--- Why Should You Listen to me?---
I’ve been running ads on every platform for more than a decade and have directly spent over $84,000,000 on ads, which has generated more than $500,000,000 in revenue.

I have a fun little wall Containing certifications, awards and innovative recognition on virtually all platforms such as:
- TikTok
- Facebook
- Instagram
- YouTube
- Google
- Twitter

for Selling everything from books, trainings, webinars and SAAS to Holsters, outdoor products, soap and even just ideas themselves.

These "pieces of paper" were awarded to me for my skills in copywriting, design, marketing strategy, web-development, and many other areas of expertise - all in regards to business, marketing & Innovative thinking.

Yet through it all there’s 1 big thing I’ve learned, that I feel responsible to ensure everyone knows:  99% OF PEOPLE AND AGENCIES ARE WAISTING THEIR AD DOLLAR (especially during launch & startup, which ironically is when they can least afford it)

I have agencies and individuals contacting me every day and usually after just 20 minutes they are asking me why they didn’t start this process sooner and how they can hire me to handle their marketing campaigns.

Well I’m sick of having the person with the deepest pockets ALWAYS be on top and helping agencies “hack the system” just for “the little guy” to always be left out to dry and dominated by conglomerates and agencies.

Which is why I want to make this as accessible as possible to the people who need it most.

Because normally the so-called “small ideas” and people with unheard commentary are the ones with the greatest ideas, That can change the world.

If they’re just given a chance.

So let me help you bring out your inner fire. And apply your passion to ACTUALLY STARTING what you’ve been dreaming of.

Let’s bring your ideas to fruition.

Fuck the agencies and deep pockets.

Just as the pirates back in the day, it’s time for you to take the wheel and go wherever it is you want to go.

so whatever it is that burns in your heart. It's time to captain up and take charge of your own ship.

It’s really not that difficult. And I’ll show you why…
Charter Your Course
Welcome to the
Bl^ckFoot Idea Engine
The first organization on Earth to teach you the simplest, most effective solutions to your problems, WITHOUT taking your credit or $$$ for it.
skull line - quote top
Bring a person's ideas to fruition, give them happiness for a year.  

Teach a person how to easily execute their own ideas, give them a lifetime of success.
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BlackFoot Bill Pirate Hero Right